Morningstar® Investment Profile™   Morningstar®
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Columbia VP Income Opportunities 1
Release date as of 2024-03-31. Data on page is subject to change.
Snapshot Ratings & Risk Portfolio Nuts & Bolts
  Fees and Expenses Taken from prospectus dated 2023-05-01  
Maximum Fees
Administrative ---
Management 0.66%
12b-1 ---
Actual Fees
12b-1 0.00%
Management 0.66%
Expense Ratio 0.64%
(taken from annual report dated 2023-12-31)
Total Annual Operating Expense 0.79%
Waiver Data
Type Date %
ExpenseRatio Contractual 2024-04-01 0.15
Inception Date: 2010-05-03
Mngr Name Brian J. Lavin
Mngr Start Date 2004-06-01
Brian Lavin is a senior portfolio manager and head of the U.S. High Yield Fixed-Income Sector team at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. Mr. Lavin joined one of the Columbia Threadneedle Investments legacy firms in April 1994 as a credit analyst covering high yield bonds, was promoted to associate portfolio manager in 1999 and to portfolio manager in 2000. Previously, Mr. Lavin was a high yield analyst at Van Kampen Merrit. He has experience in both non-investment-grade and investment-grade issuers and has covered a variety of industries. He has been in the investment industry since 1986. Mr. Lavin received a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of St. Thomas and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. In addition, he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Mngr Name Daniel J. DeYoung
Mngr Start Date 2019-02-08
Mr. DeYoung began his investment career in 2005 and earned a B.S. from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management.
Investment Advisor(s)
Columbia Mgmt Investment Advisers, LLC
Web Site
Columbia Threadneedle
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