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Janus Henderson VIT Flexible Bond Instl  JAFLX
Release date as of 2024-03-31. Data on page is subject to change.
Snapshot Ratings & Risk Portfolio Nuts & Bolts
  Fees and Expenses Taken from prospectus dated 2023-04-28  
Maximum Fees
Administrative 0.05%
Management 0.55%
12b-1 ---
Actual Fees
12b-1 ---
Management 0.50%
Expense Ratio 0.57%
(taken from annual report dated 2023-12-31)
Total Annual Operating Expense 0.60%
Waiver Data
Type Date %
ExpenseRatio Contractual 2025-04-29 0.03
Inception Date: 1993-09-13
Mngr Name Greg J. Wilensky
Mngr Start Date 2020-02-01
Greg Wilensky is Head of US Fixed Income and a portfolio manager at Janus Henderson Investors, a position he has held since 2020. Prior to joining the firm, Greg served as senior vice president, director of the US multi-sector fixed income team and held several director and portfolio manager positions that spanned short duration, inflation-protected fixed income, securitised assets, and multi-asset strategies at AllianceBernstein from 1996 to 2019. Prior to that, he was a treasury manager – corporate finance at AT&T Corp. from 1993 to 1996. Greg received his bachelor of science degree in business administration from Washington University, graduating magna cum laude. He also earned an MBA with high honours from the University of Chicago. Greg holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has 31 years of financial industry experience.
Mngr Name Michael Keough
Mngr Start Date 2015-12-31
Michael Keough is a Portfolio Manager on the Corporate Credit and US Fixed Income teams at Janus Henderson Investors. He joined Janus as a research analyst in 2007. Prior to his investment management career, he served as a captain in the United States Air Force working as a defense acquisition officer. Michael received his bachelor of science degree in business management from the United States Air Force Academy, where he was recognised as a Distinguished Graduate in the management department. He has 18 years of financial industry experience.
Investment Advisor(s)
Janus Henderson Investors US LLC
Web Site
Janus Henderson
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