Morningstar® Investment Profile™   Morningstar®
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DWS Global Income Builder VIP A
Release date as of 2024-03-31. Data on page is subject to change.
Snapshot Ratings & Risk Portfolio Nuts & Bolts
  Morningstar Ratings
Number of
3-Year Average Average 356
5-Year Average Average 338
10-Year Above Avg Average 244
Overall Above Avg Average 356
Morningstar Category: Global Allocation | Number of Funds in Category: 356
Data through 2024-03-31
Ratings reflect risk-adjusted performance and are derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its three, five and ten-year (if applicable) time periods.
  Volatility Measurements
Standard Deviation 12.32
Mean 3.48
Sharpe Ratio 0.10
Trailing 3-Yr as of 2024-03-31
  Modern Portfolio Theory Statistics
Best Fit Index
Morningstar Mod Tgt Risk TR USD
R-Squared 99
Beta 0.99
Alpha 0.81
Trailing 3-Yr as of 2024-03-31
  Principal Risks   
Lending, Credit and Counterparty, Extension, Inflation/Deflation, Inflation-Protected Securities, Prepayment (Call), Currency, Emerging Markets, Foreign Securities, Loss of Money, Not FDIC Insured, Country or Region, Interest Rate, Market/Market Volatility, Bank Loans, Commodity, Convertible Securities, Equity Securities, ETF, High-Yield Securities, Industry and Sector Investing, Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities, Municipal Obligations, Leases, and AMT-Subject Bonds, Restricted/Illiquid Securities, Derivatives, Pricing, ETN, Management, Structured Products, Small Cap, Real Estate/REIT Sector
Show Risk Definitions
  Investment Risks
There are no additional fund specific investment risks (e.g. liquidity risk, currency risk, foreign investment risk, etc.) associated with this fund beyond the normal risks generally associated with investing in a mutual fund.
Show Data Definitions

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