Morningstar® Investment Profile™   Morningstar®
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Franklin Small Mid Cap Growth VIP 2
Release date as of 2024-03-31. Data on page is subject to change.
Snapshot Ratings & Risk Portfolio Nuts & Bolts
  Fees and Expenses Taken from prospectus dated 2023-08-16  
Maximum Fees
Administrative 0.15%
Management 0.80%
12b-1 ---
Actual Fees
12b-1 0.25%
Management 0.80%
Expense Ratio 1.06%
(taken from annual report dated 2023-06-30)
Total Annual Operating Expense 1.10%
Waiver Data
Type Date %
ManagementFee Contractual --- 0.01
Inception Date: 1999-01-06
Mngr Name Michael McCarthy
Mngr Start Date 1995-11-01
Michael McCarthy is executive vice president and portfolio manager for Franklin Equity Group (FEG). He is the lead portfolio manager for the Franklin Small Cap Growth strategy, and also assists with the management of the Franklin Small-Mid Cap Growth strategy, which he has helped manage since its inception in 1992. Mr. McCarthy is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder and earned his B.A. in history from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a member of the Security Analysts of San Francisco (SASF) and the CFA Institute
Mngr Name John P. Scandalios
Mngr Start Date 2016-09-01
John P. Scandalios is a vice president, research analyst and portfolio manager with Franklin Equity Group. He is the co-manager of the Franklin Technology Fund, Franklin Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and is a member of the Technology/Communications Research Team. Mr. Scandalios specializes in research analysis of the semiconductor industry. Mr. Scandalios joined Franklin Templeton Investments(FTI) as an analyst in 1996. Prior to FTI, he completed the management-training program at Chase Manhattan in New York, and was an assistant portfolio manager for Chase Private Bank in Los Angeles.
Investment Advisor(s)
Franklin Advisers, Inc.
Web Site
Franklin Templeton Investments
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