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LVIP American Century Infl Prot Svc
Release date as of 2025-01-31. Data on page is subject to change.
Snapshot Ratings & Risk Portfolio Nuts & Bolts
  Fees and Expenses Taken from prospectus dated 2024-05-01  
Maximum Fees
Administrative ---
Management 0.31%
12b-1 ---
Actual Fees
12b-1 0.25%
Management 0.31%
Expense Ratio 0.71%
(taken from annual report dated 2024-06-30)
Total Annual Operating Expense 0.80%
Waiver Data
Type Date %
ExpenseRatio Contractual 2026-04-30 0.03
Inception Date: 2002-12-31
Mngr Name James E. Platz
Mngr Start Date 2007-09-28
Platz is vice president and a senior portfolio manager with American Century, his employer since October 2003. Prior to joining American Century, Platz was a vice president, senior portfolio manager for Standish Mellon Asset Management, formerly Certus Asset Advisors, since August 1995. He received a bachelor’s degree in history and political economies of industrial societies from the University of California – Berkeley, and an MBA from the University of Southern California. He is a CFA charterholder.
Mngr Name Robert V. Gahagan
Mngr Start Date 2002-12-31
Mr. Gahagan, Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager, joined American Century Investments in 1983.  He became a portfolio manager in 1991. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics and an MBA from the University of Missouri – Kansas City.
Mngr Name Miguel Castillo
Mngr Start Date 2015-05-01
Miguel Castillo is a vice president and portfolio manager for American Century Investments®. Mr. Castillo, who joined the company in 2008 as a portfolio research analyst in the Portfolio Advisory Group, served as senior fixed income trader prior to becoming portfolio manager. Mr. Castillo is a member of the Rates and Currency Markets team within the firm's Fixed Income group, where he contributes his expertise to the management of a number of fixed income strategies. Before joining American Century Investments, he was a fixed income trader with Banco de Mexico, where he implemented monetary policy. He has worked in the investment industry since 2002. Mr. Castillo holds a bachelor's degree in banking and finance from Escuela Bancaria Y Comercial, Mexico City, and a master's degree in business administration from the University of Minnesota.
Investment Advisor(s)
Lincoln Financial Investments Corporation
Web Site
Lincoln Variable Insurance Product Tr
American Century Investment Management Inc
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