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Neuberger Berman AMT Sustainable Eq S
Release date as of 2024-03-31. Data on page is subject to change.
Snapshot Ratings & Risk Portfolio Nuts & Bolts
  Fees and Expenses Taken from prospectus dated 2023-05-01  
Maximum Fees
Administrative 0.30%
Management 0.55%
12b-1 ---
Actual Fees
12b-1 0.25%
Management 0.83%
Expense Ratio 1.16%
(taken from annual report dated 2023-12-31)
Total Annual Operating Expense 1.18%
Waiver Data
Type Date %
ExpenseRatio Contractual 2026-12-31 0.01
Inception Date: 2006-05-01
Mngr Name Daniel Hanson
Mngr Start Date 2022-04-01
Daniel Hanson, CFA, Managing Director, joined the firm in January 2022. Dan is the Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of the U.S. Sustainable Equity team. Dan joined Neuberger Berman from Waddell & Reed and Ivy Investments, where he was Chief Investment Officer. Previously, he served as Head of Impact Investing for JANA Partners. Prior to that role, he was Partner and Head of U.S. Equities, and Co-Chair of the Investment Strategy Committee with Jarislowsky Fraser Global Investment Management. Previously, Dan spent 10 years at BlackRock where he launched and managed the firm’s first fundamental, active ESG strategy, the BlackRock Socially Responsible Equity strategy. Dan is involved in a number of initiatives in the area of governance, corporate reporting, and sustainable investing. Dan was a founding member of the board of directors of the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (“SASB") in 2011. He served on the professional faculty of the University of California-Berkeley Haas School of Business, where he taught sustainable investing from 2016-2019. In that role, he was a judge for the Moskowitz Research Prize, which recognizes outstanding quantitative research in sustainable and responsible investing. Dan received his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and French from Middlebury College, and earned an MBA, Accounting and Analytic Finance, from The University of Chicago. He is a CFA charterholder.
Investment Advisor(s)
Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
Web Site
Neuberger Berman
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