Neuberger Berman AMT M/C Intrinsic Val I |
Release date as of 2025-01-31. Data on page is subject to change. |
Morningstar Return
Morningstar Risk
Morningstar Rating
Number of Funds
3-Year |
Below Avg |
Average |
385 |
5-Year |
Below Avg |
Above Avg |
365 |
10-Year |
Low |
Above Avg |
282 |
Overall |
Below Avg |
Above Avg |
385 |
Morningstar Category: Mid-Cap Value | Number of Funds in Category:
385 |
Data through 2025-01-31 |
Ratings reflect risk-adjusted performance and are derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its three, five and ten-year (if applicable) time periods. |
Standard Deviation |
19.42 |
Mean |
4.88 |
Sharpe Ratio |
0.12 |
Trailing 3-Yr as of 2025-01-31 |
Modern Portfolio Theory Statistics |
Best Fit Index Russell Mid Cap Value TR USD |
R-Squared |
95 |
Beta |
0.95 |
Alpha |
-1.57 |
Trailing 3-Yr as of 2025-01-31 |
Event-Driven Investment/Arbitrage Strategies, Currency, Foreign Securities, Loss of Money, Not FDIC Insured, Value Investing, Issuer, Market/Market Volatility, Industry and Sector Investing, Other, Restricted/Illiquid Securities, Pricing, Increase in Expenses, Shareholder Activity, Management, Mid-Cap, Real Estate/REIT Sector |
Show Risk Definitions |
Mid Cap Funds: The securities of companies with market capitalizations below $10 billion may be more volatile and less liquid than the securities of larger companies. |
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Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Returns will vary and shares may be worth more or less than their original cost when sold.